The European Meteorological Societies annual meeting is a conference for meteorologist from Europe but also outside of Europe. This year I attended it to present some of my work and to meet other researchers. Luckily for me, the conference was in Bonn so I did not have to travel far. Another advantage of this conference was that it covered many different topics so I was able to get input on two projects that I am working on. One is on urban modelling and the other on Arctic clouds. For the urban modelling project I supported a Masters student in preparing a presentation for the conference which was a new experience for me. We could also meet another researcher from the German Weather Service (DWD) in person who we could discuss this work with. This has lead to a collaboration between our institute and the DWD. For my PhD project I presented my work in a poster session. I put a lot of effort in my poster and was slightly disappointed that my poster was at the back side of the room. Nevertheless, I had some interesting conversations with others who gave me feedback for my work and who had questions about my work. I found the poster session helpful to have actual conversations about the work of others as there was more time to discuss it in comparison to the coffee breaks or after presentations. It was slightly inconvenient though that the poster sessions were in parallel to the talks so one had to decide where to go. Besides the research exchange I also had very nice conversations during the coffee and lunch breaks. I got to know some new people and participated in the young German Meteorological Society lunch break where I met other early career researchers. There was also a networking event for early career scientists which I joined. On one of the evenings I also helped out at the Pub Quiz which was a very popular side event. Overall I had a fun time and could take away new impressions and thoughts.
Theresa Kiszler
PhD student
Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology
PhD project: “Representation of Arctic mixed-phase clouds in the ICON model using high resolution simulations”
Poster title: “Investigating the representation of clouds and humidity in high-resolution simulations in the Arctic using ICON-LEM”