Offers to boost your academic writing skills
The GSGS offers the following workshops and further opportunities to help you improve your academic writing skills. Specific events are announced via our training list. If you are interested in an offer for which we have not yet announced any specific date, don't hesitate to contact us via to register your interest.
Event | date(s) and times | remarks | registration |
Academic writing workshop (+ optional text feedback) | 2-day workshop | Aim: To improve the style and structure of the participants’ English academic papers. The workshop contains information on structuring an English language paper and abstract, vocabulary and punctuation, cultural differences in academic papers, the writing process, finding a narrative and tools and resources for improving one’s written English. If you decide to bring your own text sample to the workshop, you will receive individual feedback by the instructor if you wish. Further info here. | First check the training list for specific dates (or register your interest via gsgs-admin |
Writing groups (+ optional writing coach) | Three 90-minute group sessions with the instructor (native speaker) and continuation of the group without the instructor afterwards. | Each group consists of 5 or 6 participants, preferably aiming to publish a paper on their research. Priority will be given to members who previously attended an Academic Writing Skills workshop. Joining a Writing Group will probably yield the best results for candidates in their second or early third year, but applications from candidates in later or earlier stages are also welcome. Writing Group members can contact their instructor as a personal writing coach. For further info click here. | First check the training list for specific dates (or register your interest via gsgs-admin |
Writing retreat | 1-day retreat | The aim of a structured writing retreat is to give you dedicated writing time to make progress on your writing projects in a supportive, distraction-free setting. The retreat is based on Rowena Murray’s successful structured writing retreat programme and is facilitated by a writing coach. Participants sit together around a large table during dedicated time slots interspersed with opportunities to discuss their projects and receive feedback. | First check the training list for specific dates (or register your interest via gsgs-admin |
Getting Published & Mastering Peer Review | 2-day workshop | Getting a publication accepted depends on more than "just" writing a good paper. Learning to write and respond to reviewers' comments are vital skills for early-career researchers to master if they wish to become established scientists. However, these skills are often neglected, forcing researchers to learn them by trial and error. By learning to address reviewers' comments, researchers not only increase their chances of getting their work published but also learn to think critically about their own research. This workshop is especially recommended for GSGS members in the second half of their project but others are welcome to apply. For further info click here. | First check the training list for specific dates (or register your interest via gsgs-admin |
Academic English Information and Worksheets | n/a | We offer a set of Information Sheets and Worksheets on different English language topics in academic writing. They were created especially for GSGS members by Anne Wegner and Lesley-Anne Weiling of Write English and cover a broad range of topics. You can access them via the GSGS-Wiki here. | n/a |