I am very grateful to receive GSGS fellowship for 5 months (15 Dec 2017-15 May 2018). With the fellowship, I was able to finish writing my PhD thesis which I submitted at the end of April. The main focus of the thesis is the interpretation of Controlled Source Radiomagnetotelluric (CSRMT) data. There are three datasets from three different areas with their own objectives. The most challenging task is to interpret the non plane wave data. During the writing phase, I was also able to interpret the non plane wave data using a new modified code.
The classical approach is to discard the non plane wave data for further modelling and interpretation. This approach requires the correct boundary between non plane wave and plane wave regions which is hard to find in the field data. Assuming non plane wave data as plane wave data would lead to a wrong interpretation. Not only ignoring the zone’s boundary, the new approach would also make the field experiment much easier. The practitioners (including the CSAMT method) do not need to worry where the plane wave (far field) zone begins. This new approach is now prepared for a publication. After finishing my thesis, I (as a coauthor) also submitted a paper of the far field CSRMT dataset from Russia to Pure and Applied Geophysics which is now under review.
Imamal Muttaqien
PhD student
Applied Geophysics, Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology
PhD Thesis: Controlled Source Radiomagnetotelluric (CSRMT) Applications in Near Surface Geophysics
Supervisor: Prof. B. Tezkan
Defense date: 17/07/2018