The Department of Geosciences is committed to the mission statement of the University of Cologne, "Diversity and Equal Opportunities”. It sees itself as a non-discriminatory, safe and non-violent place to study, teach and work, where everyone treats one another fairly, appreciatively and respectfully. We want to promote a culture of acknowledging and naming discriminatory, abusive or violent behavior and to give those affected the greatest possible security and comprehensive protection.
To support this, we have a team of ombudspersons who are available as contacts for situations such as:
- You have been discriminated against and need support.
- You want to report a case of discrimination (anonymously).
- You are looking for an exchange in a safe environment in order to be clear about how you should deal with a stressful situation you have experienced.
Andreas Vogt has been employed at the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy since 2010 and is responsible for technology (large equipment, special buildings, media technology, IT, etc.). In the meantime, he has also taken over laser protection and advises everyone as safety officer. He always has an open ear for everyone and their problems and is also a good mediator between the different hierarchical levels. Anyone can contact him in German and English.

Christina Bogner has been a professor at the Institute of Geography since 2019 and heads the Ecosystem Research working group. Her research topics include the transport of microplastics in soils and on soil surfaces as well as African research on soil resources, soil hydrology and land use change. As a person of trust, she is open to problems and can help in German, English, French and Russian.
Hannah Hartung has been working for the Department of Geosciences since 2020 and is the coordinator for the Graduate School of Geoscience (GSGS) and the IRTG (Integrated Research Training Group) of the CRC 1211 "Earth-Evolution at the dry limit". In her daily work, she advises and supports doctoral students on problems of all kinds (e.g. conflict situations with the supervisor). Creating an atmosphere of trust and support is particularly important to her. She can be contacted in German and English.

Karin Boessenkool has been the coordinator of the GSGS, the Graduate School of Geosciences, since 2014 and is always open to the topics that doctoral students want to and have to deal with. And now she also officially offers herself as a contact person for all forms of discrimination in order to provide support in this field, too. She speaks German, English and Dutch.

Nicole Mantke has been working as a technical employee at the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy in the Quaternary Geology laboratory since 2007. Among other things, she promotes interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of geosciences and is open to problems, including discrimination. She can be contacted in German and English.
Oliver Bödeker has been at the UoC since 1999 and has been Managing Director of the Department of Geosciences and Head of the Examinations Office since 2011. He attaches great importance to fairness and transparent processes. As a person of trust, he is available as a contact person for all status groups. Languages: German and English.