NOTE: current deviations from our regular contact hours are listed on the Notice Board on the home page.
For doctoral candidate members of the GSGS, if you have a question or issue about a workshop registration:
Please contact the GSGS student assistant by e-mail via
For doctoral candidate members of the GSGS, if you have another question, query or issue related to the GSGS:
The preferred way to contact us is via the online consultation hour / Sprechstunde via Zoom (members only): Tuesday 11:00-12:00. You can find the login credentials on the GSGS wiki pages. Should you not have access to the wiki pages, please contact our student assistant by e-mail.
For doctoral candidate members of the GSGS, if you want to send us any documents:
Please send an e-mail to
For everyone:
On most weekdays (except Wednesdays), you can reach Karin Boessenkool by phone (0221 470 5925) in the office. Generally, a good time window to call is between 13:00 and 14:00.
On most weekdays (best: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday), you can reach Hannah Hartung by phone (0221 470 6101). Generally, a good time window to call is between 10:00 and 11:00.
Postal address
University of Cologne
Albertus-Magnus-Platz (Pohligstr. 3)
50923 Cologne

Dr Karin Boessenkool
Coordinator of the Graduate School of Geosciences
Regular office days: Mon - Tue - Thu - Fri
Phone: 0221 470 5925 - Generally, a good time window to call is between 13:00 and 14:00 on the above days.
Dr. Hannah Hartung
Coordinator of the Graduate School of Geosciences
Phone: 0221 470 6101 // Consultation hour via Zoom: Tue 11-12 AM
Henrietta Hofmann
Student Assistant
Regular office hours: Monday morning, Tuesday morning, Thursday morning and Friday afternoon
(primarily for workshop registrations and questions about registrations)