Official GSGS documents
(Also read the information on the page "Structured Guidance")
- Supervision Agreement (download to fill out) [new version 27/10/2023]
- TAC Status Report [new on 11/08/2023]; you can find a completed example for a fictitious person here. Use Adobe Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Reader DC (for iOS, Window or Linux) to complete.
- Reporting guidelines
- Guidelines for TAC meetings [new 18 September 2023]
- Extension of Supervision Agreement/ Erweiterung der Betreuungsvereinbarung
- Document for a “Preparatory Conversation” between (prospective) doctoral candidate and (envisaged) advisor to clarity mutual expectations.
- (We have abandoned 'GSGS Points')
GSGS Statutes (Ordnung)
Statutes of the Graduate School of Geosciences of 12th February 2021 (Ordnung der Graduiertenschule in den Geowissenschaften, German only).
An inofficial English translation is available in the GSGS wiki: Here is a link. (only works when you are logged in)
Application forms and report templates
- GSGS Training and Networking Grant applications
- Template for Grant Reports (PDF | docx)
- Reporting guidelines for detailed research plans and progress reports
GSGS logo
Download different versions of the GSGS logo for use in your presentation or on your poster here:
Documents on Good Scientific Practice (GSP)
- Guidelines on Good Scientific Practice of the University of Cologne (DE | EN - non-official GSGS translation)
- DFG Guidlines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice - Code of Conduct (DE and EN)
- See also the Good Scientific Practice section on the GSGS Wiki (!gsgs/doku.php?id=start:good_scientific_practice)
Explanatory videos
GSGS in short
- Overview of the GSGS, especially for (potential) Thesis Advisory Committee members [updated 11 March 2025]