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Guiding Principles of the GSGS

Preamble: The GSGS acts in accordance with the guiding principles of the University of Cologne, particularly those on Good Scientific Practice, the Gender Equality and Diversity Principles, the Cologne Model of Structured Doctoral Studies, and the Doctoral Regulations of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

  1. The GSGS ensures well-structured, efficient, reliable and transparent supervision processes in which Thesis Advisory Committees (TACs) provide a sound basis on international scientific standards for fair relationships between advisors and doctoral researchers. TACs prevent one-sided dependency relationships (six-eyes principle). 
  2. The GSGS aims to recognize potential conflicts between supervisors and doctoral students as early as possible and tries to resolve them in the interest of all parties involved.
  3. The GSGS offers management and advisory structures that enable doctoral projects to be completed within a of maximum four years.
  4. The GSGS offers a diverse training program for its members. In particular, the GSGS aims to provide key skills to support early career researchers in their personal development towards a successful independent academic or non-academic career.
  5. The GSGS aims to attract promising international doctoral candidates and support those by creating excellent conditions.
  6. The GSGS enables all its member groups to participate in central decisions and in the steering committee. 
  7. The GSGS provides opportunities for a lively exchange between all its members, including doctoral candidates, postdocs, supervisors, and former members.