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Fourth Global Conference on Economic Geography 2015

19 - 23 August 2015, University of Oxford, UK

The “Global Conference on Economic Geography” is the largest and most important conference on economic geography and a “must do” for young researchers in this academic field. The conference, entitled 'Mapping Economies in Transformation', showcased cutting edge research on how the map of world economy is changing. Apart from questions about how and why transformations come into being, the conference highlighted their impact and resulting challenges.

Through the presentation of draft papers of our PhD projects, we have extended the international visibility of our work and we had the chance to discuss our preliminary results with international experts.

Furthermore, we gained great insight into the manifold research interests of other colleagues, which provided new ideas for further publications, and we extended our social networks.


Madlen’s presentation linked the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT4D) debate with Value Chain approaches. She critically discussed the effects and transformative character of Information and Communication Technologies on commercial agricultural value chains in Tanzania (Mwanza region) and Kenya (Mt. Kenya region).


Sebastian’s presentations provided insights into local transition processes in the building sectors of Freiburg (Germany) and Brisbane (Australia). His empirical analysis shows socio-technical transitions of local building sectors as a result of the dynamic interplay of regional trajectories (important local policy regulation developments and key events), “transition agents” (driving actors such as research institutes, NGOs/non-profit organizations, parties, individuals), and of technological and institutional innovations.


Madlen Krone

Research fellow and PhD student

Institute of Geography

Abstract title: Information and Communication Technologies and commercial small scale farming: Examples from Kenya and Tanzania

Session title: Digital production networks and value chains: Theoretical reflections Session

Sebastian Fastenrath

Research fellow and PhD student

Institute of Geography

Abstract title: Sustainability transitions in local building sectors. The examples of Freiburg/Germany and Brisbane/Australia.

Session title: Sustainable Economics: Challenges, Transitions and Trajectories

Conference website: