The Goldschmidt Conference is one of the largest conferences in Geo/Cosmochemistry. This year, the conference took place at the Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic. At this five-day conference, scientists from all over the world presented their latest research results in 26 talk sessions and 4 poster sessions. Because of temporal overlaps, the approximately 5000 participants had to choose from 19 lectures that were held simultaneously. I attended a lot of interesting talks and poster sessions during the week. The lunch breaks and the social events provided an opportunity to get in touch with other scientists and discuss a topic.
In the 4th poster session, I presented my poster “Cerium Isotope Measurements by MC-ICPMS”. During the poster session, I got in contact with other scientists, who were interested in my work and I received positive feedback on my poster and research. During some helpful and inspiring discussions, especially about the results of standard materials for cerium isotope measurements, I got new input and approaches for my own studies.
I thank the GSGS very much for supporting my journey to the Goldschmidt Conference in Prague.
PhD student
PhD project „Development of the 138La-138Ce Geochronometer“
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy
Cerium Isotope Measurements by MC-ICPMS (poster)