The fellowship grant of the GSGS gave me the opportunity to continue the work on my PhD project after my scholarship of the Heinrich Böll Foundation had run out. Within the six months that I received the fellowship grant (from November 2016 to April 2017) I was able to continue with my publications and submitted successfully a paper titled "Bronze Age settlement mounds on the Colchian plain at the Black Sea coast of Georgia – a geoarchaeological perspective" (DOI: 10.1002/gea.216709. Further, I started writing another publication and prepared my thesis "The Rioni-delta and the settlement mounds of Ergeta and Orulu - a geoarchaeological research on the Black Sea coast of Georgia" which I finally submitted in November 2017.
The provision of financial support of the GSGS ensured the continuation of my thesis and enabled me to concentrate on the PhD project without any teaching obligations or involvements in other project to cover my income. Therefore, I am very grateful for the fellowship grant. It was an important support leading to my final thesis submission this month. Right now I started to prepare my defense, which will take place in January 2018.
Fellowship Grant
from 01.11.2016 to 30.04.2017
Cologne, Germany
Hannes Laermanns
PhD student
Institute of Geography
Professor Dr. Helmut Brückner (working group)
PhD project: “The Rioni-delta and the settlement mounds of Ergeta and Orulu - a geoarchaeological research on the Black Sea coast of Georgia”
Thesis: The Rioni-delta and the settlement mounds of Ergeta and Orulu - a geoarchaeological research on the Black Sea coast of Georgia”