My first face-to-face participation in a summer school/training during my doctoral thesis. The course sessions grouped hybrid learning: face-to-face and online participants organized by Prof. Dr. Fatima Abrantes at CCMAR – Centre of Marine Sciences, University of Algarve, Faro Portugal
To better understand the actual global process and how it relates to ocean circulation and primary production, a group of expert professors provided us with diverse presentations on updated scientific works and Ongoing Programs about the marine biogeochemical cycles and large-scale modern ocean distributions of some significant elements, isotopes in the different oceanic water Colum and the reconstruction of the Atmosphere-Land-Ocean Interactions in the Past.
The schedule covered some practicum workshops and interactive activities as well, to develop some particle skills (presence and defense projects, conceptual and numerical modeling…), and a fieldwork visit to Praia de Faro to visualize “the Coastal Morphodynamics and Risk-Living with highly dynamic systems” behind.
Due to the limited time presenting all the participants, we were asked to give a short 5 min mp4 introduction about our topics/ our interest in attending the course or projects we need to develop, which made it easier to follow the program and we had enough time to handle questions from the participants and the instructors.
The course was very informative for my thesis subject and I was able to discuss my thesis with colleagues and experts and gain constructive feedback. The event concluded with a social dinner and with the joy of having established contacts and finishing with solid knowledge and hope to meet again in a future event.
After all, I would like to thank the Graduate School of Geosciences (GSGS) for agreeing to fund this participation and travel to attend the course.
Fatima Zohra Bouhdayad
Ph.D. student
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy
Ph.D. project: “Land ocean coupling between the Humboldt current and the Atacama Desert during the Neogene”
Presentation title: “Land ocean coupling between the Humboldt current and the Atacama Desert during the Neogene (15 - 0 Ma)”