The six months extra from the fellowship grant of the GSGS gave me the opportunity to continue the work on my PhD project after my three years in the CRC806 (financed by the DFG) had run out. During this time, from January to June 2017, I was able to finish the monography for my dissertation. The monography consists of three papers, the first one was already published. I could finish the second paper ´A high-resolution Holocene palaeoclimate record from the Laguna de Medina, Cádiz, southern Spain´ (not yet published). And I could write the third paper ´A Holocene palaeoclimate record from the Laguna Salada, Cádiz, southern Spain´ which is also not yet published. Both papers will be submitted as soon as the co-authors give the green light.
After the submission of my dissertation in May 2017, I had also the chance to travel to Zaragoza, Spain, for the PAGES conference, where I had good network opportunities and discussions with other scientists working in Spain.
I am very grateful for the GSGS Fellowship Grant, which was an important support leading to the submission of my thesis and a successful defence in July.
Fellowship Grant
January 1st – June 30th
Cologne, Germany
Jasmijn van ´t Hoff
PhD student
PhD project: “A Holocene palaeoclimate record from the Laguna Salada, Cádiz, southern Spain”
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Cologne
Thesis: Holocene climate variability based on two lacustrine sediment sequences from Cádiz, southern Spain.
Professor Dr. Martin Melles (Quaternary Geology)
Defense: July 7th 2017